Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things I Hate

Estella Getty's last (2) post(s) inspired me to add my two cents.

Now, please note, this is a little different. I don't go to a "gym." You know what I mean, those big exercise puppy mills. I workout at the dojo and at my school's fitness room (which is usually pretty dead). This will soon change, as I have to get a membership at the local college so I have a pool to use. Until that time, all the things I hate are inspired by where I workout right now.

Things I Hate
  1. Women who wear makeup to workout. I understand if you're coming right from work. I don't understand if you've clearly applied makeup just to go to the gym. Real women don't wear makeup to workout.
  2. Women who don't tie their hair back to workout. Of course this doesn't apply to short-haired women. If you have your hair down and it's not sweaty, you're not really working out. If you have your hair down and it's sweaty, why the heck isn't it pulled back?! Real women don't leave their hair down to exercise.
  3. People who change the radio/tv station without asking. Just because I'm working out much more intensely than you doesn't mean I'm not keeping my sanity by listening to the song/the channel that's on. If you mess with that stuff, you mess with my rhythm. Real exercises are polite to others.
  4. People who tell you how to do something but clearly aren't doing it right themselves. Don't tell me how to hook or jab or squat when you obviously can't tell your left from your right. If we're in a class, I expect expertise from the instructor, not overconfident Joe Schmoe. Real athletes aren't arrogant.
Okay, I'm going to end it at four. It's Valentine's weekend, I should be spreading love, not grumpiness!


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